So I've noticed that the driver's side header fit tight around the shock tower area, and under hard acceleration, the shifter handle would rock back and forth in my hand left to right. The transmission mount seemed fine. Then I noticed a one inch scrape on the underside of the hood where the air cleaner wing nut touched the hood as the engine lifted and rocked back and forth. A visual inspection of the driver's side motor mount showed the rubber layer seemed to be broken. After removal from the car, the damage was more obvious.
Most people purchase the fully adjustable mounts on the market for these cars. I don't need full adjustability even though the car has a T5Z transmission installed. So I bought the Total Control Products mounts for a few bucks less. These are not as adjustable, but are also serviceable should the bushing wear out one day. I was impressed by their heft and quality of manufacturing. They even use 3 bolts to mount to the frame, using a previously unused but present factory hole for the third bolt.
They added very little extra noise, vibration, and harshness (barely more than a broken mount anyway.) The shifter handle and the engine (presumably) stay steady under hard acceleration. Particularly for a stroker motor, I'd have to say these heavy-duty motor mounts are mandatory items.
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